
Two Years of Consecutive Weekly Workouts

How do I know I’ve never missed a work in the last two years? Foursquare.

birthday 91 weeks

As you can see from the above photo, my birthday marked 91 weeks at the gym. At 99 weeks either Foursquare stops logging or it thinks I skipped. But it doesn’t matter because I know that whether I go to the gym for spinning or lifting, visit a yoga studio or do a DVD workout, I’m logging weekly workouts because I enjoy them not just to see an app cheer me on.

29 weeks

Apparently, I thought 29 weeks was pretty noteworthy or I just happened to take a screen cap before it went away. It is interesting that I take these photos and yet cannot remember why I was at the gym in the morning and evening, in what appears the same shirt – classy, if not smelly!

In the past two years, I have:
Visited and tried more classes and gyms that I haven’t written about, yet!
Been to spinning weekly and bought cycling shoes
Practiced yoga in public among a group, on grass, in a brewery, and glowing in the dark
Worked out Bob Harper and Tracy Anderson DVDs
Worked out using high intensity interval training
Created my own stair workouts
Tried a parcours trail at the park
Participated in a color run
Shared before and after photos one and two

four years udandi

Another before and after since this past birthday meant a new drivers’ license photo and this is the first photo in a while that I liked!

Here’s to another 104 weeks of working out and trying new things!

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1 Comment

  1. Diana
    March 19, 2014 at 10:08 pm

    You rock Andrea! I’ve been steady for a year – except when I’m on vacations but mountain hiking counts, right? Congrats on accomplishing so much.

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