My Favorite Find from Serena of the Farm Chicks is just my kind of site. You can find and share great local stores and events, like antiques shows, vintage fairs, flea markets,yard sales, auctions, estate sales, crafts shows and more – then virtually show and tell your favorite finds. The site launches today. To sign up, all you need to do is enter in your email address on the website.
I love this idea and that I had the opportunity to ask Serena a few questions about My Favorite Find and here’s what she had to say:
What is the inspiration for My Favorite Find?
For so long, I’d been getting mail from readers asking me how they could find out about great shoppes or events in their area or wondering how they could promote their own events and shoppes. When I realized nothing like that existed, I knew I needed to just create it myself. So I did, and My Favorite Find was born! My Favorite Find is like a virtual show-and-tell. You can search for, find, and share great events like auctions, yard sales, antiques shows and more anywhere in the world, and then show-and-tell your finds. It’s really amazing.
What has been your favorite find?
My greatest “find” of all time was a shirt that I bought at a yard sale for .10 cents and then sold for $860!
When I’m at thrift or antique stores, I feel like the world is my oyster, do you get overwhelmed by the options and how to do you decide what you want most?
When I used to sell my finds, I’d load up on anything great that’d catch my eye. Now that I just collect for me and our home, I’m a lot more selective. But I always love the hunt and don’t feel overwhelmed. You can’t ever have too much of a selection!
Along those lines do you have a couple of tips to keep in mind when looking for treasures?
I think if you’re just collecting for yourself, it’s important to show some restraint. If you buy too much because it’s a great deal, you’re going to have clutter and that’s never good. Just buy what you love and have a need for. Don’t buy because it’s a good deal.
Since March 19 is the launch day there might be a few glitches, but you can check the Facebook page for updates.
March 20, 2012 at 5:56 amThis is a good idea…I want to share this to my friends too…Thanks a lot for the awesome post shared for us…
Brian Kings
May 16, 2012 at 4:15 amthe story of the shirt that was sold many times more than its buying price is just amazing.
May 21, 2012 at 7:28 amYour story is really nice . People have different experiences too . i am glad that you shared yours …