fitness, MoveMoreVZW

#MoveMoreVZW Wrap Up!

The Verizon Wireless Midwest Area #MoveMoreVZW Challenge was a 12-week challenge to do exactly as it is named – to move more! An opportunity to find ways in our every day to move more, from parking further away to taking walks at a work and in our neighborhoods.

It's Worth It

I was so excited that three participants would be chosen at the end to receive their very on Fitbit Charge from Verizon Wireless Midwest Area – a tremendous gift just for leaving comments on the posts throughout the challenge.

Congrats to Colleen, Debba and Erin for winning a Fitbit Charge! I look forward to hearing how you like them!

Thank you to everyone who joined in the challenge and left comments! It was great for me to know others were just as interested in what I was doing to move more as I was in their efforts. You gave me great ideas of how I can make little changes, too.

Keep moving in 2015!

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