
Fed up with Lunch

Happy Valentine’s Day!

As a lover of all things social media, blogging and lunch packing I thought I would share a blog I discovered when we started this blog and I went in search of blogs writing about lunch. I found many about bento boxes and then one stood out to me, Fed up with Lunch: The School Lunch Project. Mrs Q is a teacher, who challenged herself to eat the same thing being served to students every day for a year. One year of cafeteria lunches. Could you do it?

I’ve already admitted a distaste for cafeterias because I attended a school without one and then when my high school had one, I still felt an element of mystery. I need to know at any point in the day, what I will be eating for lunch.

I look forward to reading her book, in the meantime, I am catching up on old blog posts.

What food, lunch tote, blog, book, music, workout trend and more you are loving today? Leave a comment and share the love!

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5 Comment

  1. lunchitpunchit
    February 14, 2011 at 5:11 pm

    [New Post] Fed up with Lunch – via #twitoaster

  2. Emmy
    February 14, 2011 at 1:17 pm

    That school lunch blog is really interesting. Thanks for sharing it. I never liked the cafeteria in school. The food never looked or sounded good. Like you, I always wanted to have my lunch planned.

    I just finished reading a food related book called “Service Included” by Phoebe Damrosch. It was pretty good. It is about her experience working as a server at a four star restaurant in NYC. It was really wild to read about all of the training and information she had to learn about the food such as where it came from, etc….

    1. Andi
      February 18, 2011 at 8:07 pm

      I’m going to add the book to my list and make sure FM sees your comment since she just posted asking about book recs.

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lunch It Punch It, Lunch It Punch It. Lunch It Punch It said: [New Post] Fed up with Lunch – via #twitoaster […]

  4. […] you were a reader of this blog back in February, you’ll remember I posted about the blog Fed Up With Lunch. Mrs Q, a teacher, challenged herself to eat the same cafeteria food being served to students every […]

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