
Article: 22 Healthy Lunch Ideas

Ready to pack a lunch to punch a goal? I believe Lunch It, Punch It will start a revolution of lunch packers looking to fulfill financial and weight loss goals and I’m excited to have you join us! If you haven’t read our about page, you may not know the back-story to this website. It started with three coworkers and a piece of paper in which we tallied every lunch we packed, then the eleventh day we could eat out. Plenty of restaurants give you a loyalty card for eating repeatedly at their establishment, I think of this as a loyalty card for our financial and nutrition goals.

Every new year, a popular resolution is to lose weight while that is not the goal of this website, we hope the official Lunch It, Punch It cards gives those will be packing a lunch a fun way to track their progress. Since there are ten cards to a sheet, why not encourage (maybe challenge) a few friends or coworkers to pack a lunch to punch a goal?!

Before I introduce the article I found, I want to share my simple lunch packing tip: plan ahead. My lunch-packing days go back to grade school, I wasn’t a fan of cafeteria food, I’d rather have a sure thing in my bag (hey, I like food!). Then, in grades fifth through eighth, my Catholic grade school did not have a lunch room so we HAD to pack a lunch or go without. If I don’t pack my lunch the night before, it doesn’t happen because as a friend says, I run udandi time aka late-ugh.

The first part of the following article addresses why pre-packaged meals are popular (hint: it is not the taste or nutritional value). Check out Cooking Light’s 22 Healthy Lunch Ideas to put together a game plan that suits your tastes and lifestyle.

If you have lunch packing tip, please leave a comment.

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4 Comment

  1. Emily
    January 4, 2011 at 7:54 pm

    Pack what you like, not what others tell you you should pack.

  2. Karen
    January 14, 2011 at 3:42 pm

    Great article. I pack the same thing every day. I need to branch out!

  3. […] I understand the appeal of these products and I mentioned it on of the first articles I linked to (22 Healthy Lunch Ideas) when this blog was started. It’s not the nutrition, it’s the convenience but […]

  4. Top 5 Posts of 2011 – Lunch It, Punch It
    October 18, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    […] Mason Jar Meals 4. How To: Aussie Apple 3. Article: 22 Healthy Lunch Ideas 2. FM’s Great Lunch Box Search 1. Make It: Milk Jug Lunch […]

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