
Altered Book – Cookies

Altered Book – Cookies
Originally uploaded by udandi

Any project time I have I am dedicating to my altered book because I need to get it done for the August program! I was not going to share of it until completed it, but I’ve been showing people at work so they understand what our program is about and why we are asking them to consider donating extra craft supplies or stuff they might consider junk.

One thing I am really hoping to get are hand-written notes, shopping lists, to-do lists, etc. Someone asked me why I like hand-written notes and I think it is because they remind me of the notes my mom used to write. Sometimes they appeared on my napkin in my lunch, after school (jackpot if she left a baked treat) if she was working second shift and when we went on retreats. I find something so special about hand-written notes and letter so much so that I have never discarded the ones I received from friends back before email came on the scene.

As for this layout, the recipe card on the right side is actually laminated so it can be flipped. I love this card – it was written by my mom when she was first married to my dad. She said I could have it if I rewrote the recipe on another card, which apparently one of us did at some point because we found another one in her recipe box. In 30+ years of marriage and family, I bet she cannot guess how times we’ve pulled out that card to make cookies!

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