
The Slow Melt

From cookies to fitness.

Early this year I joined a gym down the road because it was only $14.95/month and I missed having a gym routine. After signing up, I found myself signing up for personal training with someone I never met before. I think it was the triangle of CARDIO > NUTRITION > RESISTANCE with a caption you won’t master one without the others, that I found myself signing up for personal training. When I got home still light-headed from my free session and from what I had done, I figured out what to cutback to afford this choice. I figured I owed it to myself for one year to learn something new and see if I could make a better me.

I do not want to follow in the steps of my paternal grandmother or dad and have knee replacement in my 60s. I do not want to be diagnosed with high cholesterol or diabetes and medicated. If a chair breaks, I do not want to be the one blamed. I want to see myself in photographs and not cringe.

Thankfully, the trainer assigned to me, Kelly, is positive and encourages her clients to seek their personal best. For the first time in my life, I was using a gym to its full potential and I wasn’t timid about equipment because Kelly had shown me how to use it. My routine became meeting with her, going through the paces and then doing the workouts on my own between our appointments. I was paying attention to what I was eating and overall feeling like I had better control of my life. My goal wasn’t to lose a certain number of pounds (although the gym set a number for me), I wanted to be able to do boy push-ups, challenge my body with new exercises and see firmer body parts. Through it all, weight and inches have melted away and compliments have come my way.

I had two minor setbacks this fall. The gym closed and my membership was transferred to other locations not as convenient. Then, my trainer quit to strike out on her. The good thing is that the plan I had with Kelly was designed for her to provide more instruction early and then slowly take the training wheels off so I would be self-sufficient. I reached that point sooner than expected. Since I still had four sessions left, I tried to get back on the training wagon and realized after a tough workout, I was doing pretty good on my own for the last 8 weeks without a personal trainer.

I will use the last of my sessions, continue on my own and since I am still in touch with Kelly I know I can meet with her when I need a tough workout. If you live in the Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky area and are looking for an affordable personal trainer, email me and I’ll pass on Kelly’s information. She does individual and group sessions (if all are on the same fitness level). Last I check she was going to put up a Facebook fan page and when she does, I’ll link to it.

Slightly related, check back on January 2 for a link to the new blog I am writing with my two friends/coworkers. It isn’t a weight loss or exercise blog, but it has helped me stay accountable during my quest to improve me!

And for those who live for numbers I’ve lost 24 pounds, however, I am most concerned with building muscles so that they burn calories while my bum is sitting at the reference desk waiting to be asked where the restroom is 😉

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1 Comment

  1. Lindsay
    December 30, 2010 at 10:35 am

    Andrea – that’s awesome! Congrats on all your hard work. I can’t wait to be able to work out hard again and get the scale going the other direction! Great job!
    .-= Lindsay´s last blog ..Post-Christmas and 33 weeks =-.

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