asked challenged CincySteve to create a playlist for when CWB Rocks with the CRG.
We have not seen each other’s playlists before sharing it with our adoring public (in my case three readers-thank you, you are the BEST!). I started writing a little ditty that incorporated the titles of my songs, but I wasn’t able to use all the songs. Instead you can press play on the widget below and listen to a sample of each song.
I did not pick my songs based on the lyrics, but the beat and whether I would like hearing them if I were a tailgater.
Enjoy and see you May 29th,
Nacho Skater aka udandi
May 23, 2010 at 10:30 pmlife on the purple couch is good.
.-= CincySteve´s last blog ..Cincinnati Rollergirls Playlist =-.
Tweets that mention Tailgate Tunes -- Topsy.com
May 25, 2010 at 9:53 am[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Andi, Maureen Jacobob. Maureen Jacobob said: RT @udandi:so @CincySteve accepted my challenge to create a playlist to hype up #CWBRocksCRG but honestly,mine's better http://bit.ly/aqnsi6 […]