If you spend more of your online time in Facebook but love knowing what’s happening at udandi and the craft of money, click ‘like’ to become a fan. Call it an…
In the fall of 2008, I went to Hawaii to visit a friend as it turned out PodCamp & WordCamp Hawaii were taking place at the same time. He came home…
verizon mifi Originally uploaded by udandi Pictured is a MiFi from Verizon. It is a device about the size of a deck of cards, but thinner that allows five people to…
At my last job, my coworker learned about instant messaging, Second Life and Facebook because of me and I was equally delighted when my current coworkers and friends jumped into Twitter!…
When people ask me why I blog, use Twitter and Facebook, I explain that they are sites that support my hobby but have created in invaluable social interactions that serve in…
The last Saturday of each month the Cincinnati Women Bloggers gather to network and learn. Today, Bridge Worldwide opened their fab office to us so that we could learn about monetizing…
netbook cover Originally uploaded by udandi I’m very excited to be the new owner of an Acer Aspire One netbook in blue! It is a refurbished model from TigerDirect in which…