
Packing Ahead

Someone asked me, do you really pack your lunches ahead of time?

Yes, I do. Here’s a photo from last week when I was eating Fast Creamy Chicken Pesto Pasta and my yogurt. I don’t buy yogurt in those little packs, I just buy the big tub and measure out 4oz and put in my trusty Pyrex. Outside of the fridge is a bucket of granola and my little containers. Below, is one packed lunch ready to go so in the morning I just have to open the door and snatch.

If I didn’t pack ahead, it wouldn’t happen and without a lunch I’d be eating at the gas station, Dunkin Donuts, Subway or 4 pizza shops, which don’t really appeal to me or my wallet.

Yes, if you’re wondering I pick out my outfit the night before. I’m always trying to cram 36 hours of life into 24 hours time so I have to take measures to make things easier.

What do you do to make lunch packing easier?

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3 Comment

  1. Laura Maloney Monahan via Facebook
    July 25, 2011 at 8:31 pm

    I pack my lunch AND plan my outfit the night before. I’m basically a zombie in the morning so I can’t make those decisions in the A.M.

  2. Lunch It Punch It via Facebook
    July 25, 2011 at 9:00 pm

    Me too! I like summer because it’s even easier – dress, shoes, jewelry and done.

  3. […] I come home from work, I empty my lunch bag and re-pack it with another lunch. I’ve previously mentioned the lack of food around my workplace is the reason I do not take any chances on not making the […]

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