I had a magnet for a basketball schedule of a team (Cincinnati Stuff), that no longer plays in Cincinnati. I lack the memory to remember that 1/3 cup is 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon. To help myself in the kitchen, I measured the magnet and typed up the measuring equivalents and baking pan substitutions. I ran the sheet through the Xyron laminate/adhesive cartridge to adhere it to the magnet. Then, I trimmed the corners with my Round It All.
Per request I am sharing uploaded my measuring equivalents file. To be honest, I am not too familiar with how sharing Google Documents works so I selected to uploaded it as a web site (rather than email it each time one requests it or upload a PDF that some will not be able to edit). When you you click the link you will see the measurements, which you can copy and paste into your own word processing program and edit the font size to fit your magnet’s measurements. Hope that works!
February 24, 2009 at 12:55 pmWhat a great idea… never thought of reusing the outdated magnets!!
August 29, 2009 at 7:02 amSo smart!
.-= Kerrie´s last blog ..It rained, so now I’m drowning in a sea of brakelights. =-.