After mentioning I spent a day using food in my freezer and fridge to make lunches and dinners and then filling both back up with containers, I was asked if I use plastic containers. I mostly use glass and I’m not affiliated with Pyrex (although before I was born my dad worked for Corning Glass so my mom has odds and ends from those days), I just happen to like it a lot because it is easy to find and they have coupons.
The following lunch is a cold quesadilla (plastic container because I’m not reheating) and apple (glass because it is just the right size for it).
I also had Chicken Bruchetta Bake and pineapple both in glass because one was being reheating and the pineapple is messy and those are my best sealing lids.
Again, I eat some repeat lunches so that’s just a sample of what I packed for lunch and hopefully inspires you to try leftovers, make something special for lunch or just pack something you enjoy!