
Lunch Bags at Target

target lunch bag I always head to the back corner of Target to see what special display they are offering. This year it is the Bullseye Bodega and while it is a little sparse and some of the items are odd, I knew some where they would have lunch bags, water bottles and exercise DVDs.

Sure enough they are offering the a lunch bag by BUILT, which is called byo. I like that they offer these because if you’ve walked through the permanent lunch bag aisle it is mostly kids bags, not much for adults unless you want to use a small, soft-sided cooler that looks like a weekend luggage (bigger than the ones pictured).

Also, below the byo bags, which come with a water bottle cover are Fresh and Fit containers for packing your lunch. Some have built in ice packs so if you’re packing fruit or vegetables and do not want to pack a separate ice pack, you might like these.

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