
Homemade Laundry & Dishwasher Detergent

Previously, friend, FM, gave me laundry detergent she made. But I was a lazy and thought it seemed like too much work to keep doing it the way she did it.

Eventually, I found some powder detergent and dishwasher detergent recipes that I could handle making. When my mom found out I did this, she asked if I was hard up for money – ha! My decision to make my own was more 1) to see if I could 2) to see if it worked 3) to how much I could save.

Since I did not want a 5 gallon bucket of laundry detergent, I was happy to find a dishwasher detergent.

Laundry Powder
1lb (16oz) Borax
1lb (16oz) Arm & Hammer washing soda
1lb (16oz) baking soda
1.5 bars (~4.5oz) Ivory soap, grated – I used my Ikea cheese grated that I never actually use for cheese

Mix all contents in a large, clean bucket. Store in a clearly marked container, label with 1 Tbsp per load. I’m using a beverage container because that’s what I had available.

My cost was $3.03 and if I did my math correctly I should get ~52 loads using the prescribed 1 tbsp per load.
This has no scent, which is fine by me since I prefer unscented. My clothes and linens are coming out clean. I use vinegar, not fabric softener, for a rinse.

Dishwasher Powder
1 cup Borax
1 cup arm & hammer washing soda
1/2 cup citric acid (LemiShine)
1/2 kosher salt

My cost is $2.71 for 24 loads, I think (I scribbled my notes). My dishwasher is either old or not that great (I don’t know since I’ve only lived here two years) but almost everything needs to be pre-washed before it goes in so I feel like I’m using my fair share of water either in hand-washing or with the dishwasher. Regardless of this or brand name detergent, I do not get stellar results, but the LemiShine does wonders for cleaning the glassware! When it is empty, I use vinegar to wash the machine and keep it clean, I won’t detail how disgusting it smelled when I moved in or what I cleaned out from the cervices.

I did a small batch because I read this clumps together. Not sure if a sachet of rice would prevent this. Anyone know?

While I may not use what’s left of the Borax and washing soda for more dish washing detergent, I would refill my gallon juice jug (it’s the pink lid container in the photo) with more laundry detergent.

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