
FREE CFL bulbs for Duke Energy Customers

Thank you to both parents for alerting me to this!

If you are a Duke Energy customer you can get a certain number of CFL bulbs FREE by calling 1-800-943-7585.
Then enter 1, enter 1, enter your Duke Energy account number, OR the phone number, OR the social security number associated with your Duke Energy account.

After they verify your account, they will tell you how many CFL bulbs your address can receive. Bulbs will be mailed to the the address listed on your account and received in 4-6 weeks. You pay nothing and can start saving money on your electric bills.

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2 Comment

  1. CincySteve
    September 30, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    oooh, i get 12 free! how many did you get? makes up for all those times i went to walmart with the free coupons only to find they were always out of stock.
    .-= CincySteve´s last blog ..Cincinnati Rollergirls Playlist =-.

  2. Condo Blues
    October 1, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    When I switched my light bulbs over to CFL and halogens it made a difference on my electric bill. My only suggestion would be to change the bulbs over after the old one burns out. I didn’t do that and one day I turned on the bathroom light and all 3 CFLs burned out. It was very difficult to do what I needed to do in the dark 🙂
    .-= Condo Blues´s last blog ..Repurposed Dog Bowl Wall Art =-.

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