Welcome! I’m FM, a librarian, a new mama, and a wanna be gardener who’s vegetables always look best this time of year…because my imagination is considerably better developed than my green thumb.
I am carrying a bumble bee inspired, library logo-ed bag, lovingly nicknamed OK For Now II. As you can guess from the name I am currently on my second library issued lunch bag, which was donated to me by udandi, when OK For Now I took a fall in the parking lot. For all of the wonderful attributes of Pyrex surviving a fall onto asphalt is not one of them. My vegetable soup exploded and, for safety’s sake, I disposed of the whole corn, glass, and tomato juice mess. Fortunately for me, udandi had already moved on to Red Veggie Bag and after cashing in an eat out reward I had tucked away I was back to lunching it and punching it the following day.
I look forward to sharing my lunch packing tricks, recipes, and my quest for the perfect lunch bag. Lin, udandi, and I have downloaded and printed the official Lunch It Punch It card so we can track our lunch packing progress and hope you do the same!
January 4, 2011 at 10:10 amI love that you blurred out the logo! I can’t say I miss that bag design at all.
January 5, 2011 at 9:26 amSo, if I do this too can I meet you lovely ladies for a lunch out?? Hmmmm?
January 5, 2011 at 10:28 amDawn you can totally Lunch It, Punch It at home and you would, of course, be welcome to join us for an earned lunch out!
In the future maybe we should consider including little ones in the program…I pack J’s lunch to send with him. On second thought, I’m afraid he might think the punch card is part of his lunch and scarf it down as a side dish 🙂