Contributor, Recipes

Egg Salad

The key to my egg salad lies in the homemade pickles!  I add a little mayo, a little mustard, a little dill, a little paprika, a little salt and pepper…and lots of pickles.  
If you would like to give my egg salad a try, try out the pickle recipe my Mom uses to make these amazing pickles.  They are also wonderful in tuna, macaroni salad, etc.  I think they are a little strong to eat by themselves, my little boy does and he loves them.  
14 Day Pickles 
Wash cucumbers, put (whole) in Brine.  Brine =1 cup coarse salt to 1 Gallon water.  Let set for 1 week – stir occasionally.  Remove from Brine – Rinse – cut in desired sizes (I go ahead and cut mine into egg salad size pieces).  Soak for 3 hours in mixture of 1 cup Lime to 1  Gallon water – Stir frequently.  Take out of Lime – Rinse until water is clear (about 5 times).  
Heat to boiling – 1 cup of sugar to 1 cup Red Vinegar (no less than 5% acidity)  Make enough to completely cover pickles.  Let set for 1 day.  
Each day for 4 days pour off liquid and bring to boil – on the 4th day boil pickles and liquid together for 30 minutes.  Add 1 tbls pickling spices to every 1 gallon vinegar.  Put in jars and seal using a water bath.  For water bath instructions the YouTube video Tips for Water-Bath Canning For Dummies is great! 
I have made these pickles and if I can do it anyone can!  Does anyone else can?  What have you tried?  Was it worth it?  My to-do list includes becoming more comfortable with canning and trying different types of pickles and vegetables in the future.

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2 Comment

  1. Becky
    April 27, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    Yes I can and everything is more than worth it! If I don’t can it, I freeze it.

  2. Andi
    April 28, 2011 at 7:42 am

    My mom recently told me that my grandpa used to grow grapes and grandma used to make enough jelly for the whole school year (for 5 kids). I’m inspired!

    Every Monday from 4-6 EST our friends at Cooking with Caitlin host Foodies Nite In on Twitter, it’s a twitter chat and this past week was all about canning and preserving – you would have loved it! you can read back through their questions at!/FoodiesNiteIn

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