Are you like me and like to scan through cookbooks and website looking for photos of food and then decide to read more? Is your New Year’s goal to cut back, eat healthy or improve your plate? Have a plan to visualize what you should be eating in the hopes it sinks in?
Easy Lunchboxes keeps a photo gallery of lunches packed in their lunch boxes and I’ve enjoyed browsing the photos looking for lunch ideas. Some of the lunches look skimpy to me or maybe it is my issue with serving sizes (aka I’m over-served and I’m not talking about alcohol!).
Additional reading: New York Times The Problem with Serving Sizes).
Lunch It Punch It (@lunchitpunchit) (@lunchitpunchit) (@lunchitpunchit)
January 16, 2012 at 3:03 pm{New Post}: Eat with Your Eyes