
Diaper Cake for Baby Showers

diapercake1This past weekend I learned to make diaper cakes before attending a baby shower! A friend learned from her friend how to make a diaper cake and thought we might like making them for our expectant friends and since a few of us did not want to haul it to Babies R Us, we were game to learn!

This was the perfect group gift for us since we could get those basic supplies like diapers, receiving blankets, bibs, pacifiers, teething rings, bath stuff and a mini plush toy to top the cake to make two cakes.

I learned that it is best to roll the diapers starting at the waistband and then rubberband two or three together. After than we eye-balled how big we wanted the layer and pinned two receiving blankets for the bottom layer and then filled with rolled diapers. Same for the next layer, but using only one receiving blanket and the third layer is a receiving blanket folded double and pinned (or so). Then, we just layered on the other goodies as we saw fit.

It was easy enough and I’ve seen since another version that hand-held, not on a piece of plywood, so it is certainly something you can scale up or down depending on your budget and creative spirit!

Both cakes were well received by the moms! The photos are posted on my Flickr account, too.

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3 Comment

  1. Deana
    May 20, 2009 at 10:28 pm

    Those cakes are just TOO CUTE! 🙂

    Deana’s last blog post..It’s Hip 2B Square…

  2. Low
    May 21, 2009 at 6:10 pm

    I had one of these made from towels at my bridal shower. It was great to get so many extra towels!

  3. Andi
    May 22, 2009 at 7:02 am

    Hi Low, I never thought about the possibilities of towels for weddings/housewarmings! how cool!

    Andi’s last blog post..Free Stuff: Samples and Coupons [2009]

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