What kind of workout clothing do you prefer?
Almost all of my workout clothes are c9 by Champion from Target. Nothing too fancy and since I was hoping to lose weight (I’ve already had to buy next size down in pants) I didn’t want anything too expensive. I have exactly enough to get through a week’s worth of workouts and a washing machine.
Most were purchased when Target was having a sale or when items were clearanced. A few of the stores around me have been remodeled to add fresh food. I noticed they rearrange the store, make departments temporarily smaller and merchandise is clearanced more frequently so any time I visit a store, I swing through the fitness clothing. Since it is the change of seasons in the Midwest, the clothing is changing too so some of the shorts and short-sleeve and tanks are marked down. It appears the colors I like (black) are not often available on the website otherwise I wouldn’t find it too hard to rack up $50 worth to get free shipping.
Occasionally, I check TJ Maxx and Marshalls because they have the regular Champion clothing line for prices often better than Target.
I used to not wear the fitted pants because I was very self conscious and because someone made a comment about Axl Rose’s bicycle shorts (mine are not white!). Then, I had one of several gym mishaps in which try to picture me wearing the loose yoga pants. The toe of my left foot snagged the leg of my right pant while doing some HIIT moves and took me down. Then, in spinning I wore sweatpant-type shorts and after a few rounds of jumps and having to adjust my shorts so I wasn’t mooning the people behind me, I understood why everyone else wore fitted bottoms.
In short, you need to dress how you’re most comfortable, the way that makes you want to put those clothes on and do your workout.
If you’re into the real deal Champion, check out their site for giveaways.

Andi (@udandi)
September 19, 2012 at 12:31 pm{New Post}: c9 by Champion at Target http://t.co/esY1CU6K
alexa @cleveland's a plum
September 20, 2012 at 11:39 ami’ve always wanted to try their stuff. recently i’ve been buying my workout clothes at GAP and Old Navy they have great gear when it’s on sale!
September 20, 2012 at 7:22 pmThanks Alexa! I’ve others mention they like their workout clothing. I would like to get a jacket to wear to/from the gym since I go early in the morning, but not one where I’ll be sitting in my sweat when I exit the car after I drive home.
September 21, 2012 at 9:56 amLand’s End used to make some nice activewear but they changed it up 🙁 They use to have these great workout shorts that were all black and they stayed put. I was so mad when the got rid of that line of activewear. I’ll have to check out the Champion stuff at Target.
When I lived in Michigan, I loved my spinning class. I sprung for the Nike shirt and bike shorts. It was that kind that wicks away sweat. They held up well. I don’t like the gyms in my area so I’ve been working out at home mostly now.
I had to laugh about adjusting your shorts so you didn’t moon people behind you…We went to a concert earlier this month and I wore my new shiny camo capri pants. Unfortunately, the people who sat next to us kept getting up to go out and every time I got up the pants would start to slide down! Luckily I wore a longer t-shirt but I came thisclose to showing everyone in the rows behind us my underwear. Rob kept looking at me funny as I kept trying to discreetly hike my pants back up. I guess I wasn’t as discreet as I thought.
September 24, 2012 at 9:15 pmToo funny about the concert pants!
Ah it’s a bummer when you find something you like and then it goes away. Someone told me to check out JCP because the prices are reasonable, but I didn’t like the feel of the fabric. That could just be the skin on my legs, which is sensitive in the winter. Champion is the right weight and moves easily.